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What is


AMAZED! is a Children's Ministry Curriculum designed by a disciple of Jesus, inspired by the Holy Spirit for God's glory.


Who Is It Created For?


AMAZED! is created for every volunteer teacher who has the heart and passion to teach in Children's Ministry. AMAZED! is developed using brain-based strategies, those are strategies the brain likes most when learning. These embedded strategies ensure effectiveness and optimizes the time spent teaching and learning. Children learn the word of God, memorize the word of God, and practice the word of God without the teacher volunteers needing formal teaching experience. Children, parents, and teachers will  absolutely be AMAZED!



"Amazed" was designed to meet the needs of the church by providing a curriculum that reaches and teaches the word of God to children during their most informative ages, birth - five. Did you know that by 5 years old, 90% of the brain is already developed? With this knowledge in mind, the author created AMAZED, a curriculum that is intentional and relentless in teaching children how to build a relationship with God by knowing the word, understanding the word and practicing the word in FUN, real genuine experiences. AMAZED Children's Ministry Curriculum was created with the 12 Core Prinicples of Brain-based Learning and 7 Brain-based Strategies in mind, to optimize learning for all children!


Teaching understanding of the Word of God!  Memorizing the word of God!  Practicing the word of God! by using the following strategies:

Amazed! 7 Teaching Strategies.png


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Mrs. Holas, earned her doctorate June 2015 in Education Leadership and a minor in Brain-based leadership. In addition, she has trained extensively for 9 years in the area of brain-based education, principles, and strategies in hope of developing a program for improving and designing instruction that will deliver significant results. Blue Ribbon Results’ instructional program utilizes knowledge of Brain-based principles and strategies, pre assessments, observation data to create initial Individual Learning Plans.

Prior to Blue Ribbon Results, Mrs. Holas served as an elementary principal at a Title I school for four years and built an impeccable history for demonstrating effectiveness in increasing student academic achievement while increasing appropriate student behaviors. Under her leadership, 90% – 100% of Grade 3, 4, and 5 students met or exceeded the benchmarks on reading, writing, math, science, and history on the Virginia SOL test. In addition, her school received Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) and full accreditation. In 2006, the school was named a Title I Distinguished School. Academic achievement soared in 2008 and the students were recognized for scoring 25% above the state benchmarks. By 2009, the school received the highest honor for academic achievement, receiving the 2009 Blue Ribbon School Award. That same year, Mrs. Holas was 1 of 8 principals in the country awarded the Terrel Bell Award for Outstanding School Leadership in Increasing Academic Achievement. Blue Ribbon Results has replicated the Brain-based instructional model used to improve student learning at a preschool level. The end of the year PALs indicated that our fulltime students were at and most above grade level. DRA showed that our 4 and 5 year old students were reading between a first and second grade level.  Teaching with the brain in mind gets Blue Ribbon Results!!


Dr Sheila Tillet Holas


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